Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Halloween Mermaid Makeup
Good Evening lovelyy people! So I have been planning some Halloween makeup looks for so long and I thought now would be round about the right time to post them. I have seen that quite a few people have been doing Mermaid makeup and I think it looks super cool, so if you want to find out how I have done it stay tuned!
Sunday, 16 October 2016
My Autumn Wishlist
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Wednesday, 12 October 2016
How I use my ABH Modern Renaissance Palette
Good Evening lovely people! I have been meaning to write a blog post on this palette for aggeesss however, it took me a while to have a good play with all the colours. So, I've chosen to of my 2 favourite eyeshadow looks to share with you all; one is a day time look and the other a more reddy evening look!
Saturday, 8 October 2016
The £8 Statement Skirt
Yes £8 is the correct price for this fabulous burgundy mini skirt, how CRAZY?! Andddd, of all places it is from Primark!! I'm not usually a fan of Primark however I was looking for onsie as I left mine back in Birmingham. The skirt is so cute and fits perfectly in all the right areas! Plus, this outfit is perfect for Autumn... soooo keep reading if you want to see where everything is from!
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
September Favourites
Helloo lovely people! Can you believe that it is the end of September already, this year is going so so fast and it will be Christmas in no time. I have had a very busy September so if you have read some of my previous favourites you will probably recognise a couple of products however, there are a couple of new ones that I have been LOVING! So let's crack on!
Friday, 30 September 2016
Survival Guide: Freshers
Good Morning Lovely People! So obviously I have been away for over a week however, I have a good excuse... freshers. Now, as I am in third year this is my last freshers so it was a "go hard or go home" situation! I have put together a few tips and tricks on how to "survive" freshers and just to give you a little insight into what uni life is like!
Thursday, 15 September 2016
The "Oh Crap I'm Late!" Routine
I'm back. Now, the people nearest and dearest to me know I am always running late. Whether it's for a night out or just some lunch I am never on time! So I thought I would share my tips and tricks (routine) on how to get ready super fast! Hope you all enjoy! P.S Excuse the background bits like the car, I couldn't find a nice background and a window ledge the right size in the same area!
Saturday, 10 September 2016
How I stay Positive!
Helloooo Gorgeous people! So, this wasn't the blog post I wanted to post today however, the lighting was just horrific so I am going to re-take the photos with better lighting. This is going to be a nice chatty post on how I stay positive about life in general, if you have tip and trick I would love to know so leave them in comments!
Sunday, 4 September 2016
August Favourites and September Goals
Well, it's September already. Did we even have summer I mean where on earth has it gone? However, I am very much looking forward to September/ Autumn and getting back to uni! I thought, I would do my favourites a little differently this month as I'm adding my September Goals onto the end. I like the thought of "one door closes and another one opens" and we are closing the door on August and opening in to September! Anyway, enough of me blabbering on about doors let's get into the faves of the month!
Monday, 29 August 2016
Most Worn Summer
Well, the last time I posted one of these posts it went down pretty well! So, I thought I would put together a more up to date version. It is labelled, "summer" Most Worn however, it is not amazingly sunny in the UK the majority of the time so this is why I'm wearing my jacket! (Plus, I feel the cold rreeaaalllyyy easily and I just hate being cold!!) Moving swiftly on, let's get down to what I wore the most in recent weeks!
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
V Festival Fun
Helllooooo lovely people! So, I survived V Festival. And oh my god what an amazing experience it was; to get absolutely soaking in the rain to sitting out in the sunshine with a cider. It was just great! This post is a bit of a collage of lot's of lovely photos (some a little bit fuzzy so I apologise!) and a couple of make-up and fashiony bits towards the end!
Monday, 15 August 2016
Festival Haul
So, festival season is in full swing and I am FINALLY going to one after many years of wanting to go! I am going to V Festival which is this weekend (19th-22nd of August) and I am super super excited; It's going to be such a fun weekend with amazing company and even better music. Of course, I had to pick a couple of bit's and bob's up so I thought I would share them all with you! If you think I need to pick up anything else let me know as this is the first time I have ever camped or been to a festival!
Tuesday, 9 August 2016
July Favourites
Hellooo Lovely people! So, I haven't been posting as much as I usually do and I totally apologise for that. I've had a couple of crisis's (which are now under control) and, I've been struggling to juggle work with blogging. If anyone has any tips on how to organise myself then please let me know! Anyway, enough of the doom and gloom and let's get into what I've been LOVING in July!!
Monday, 25 July 2016
Sun's out, Sunglasses on!
Well the sun has been shining again and I have been wearing my sunglasses none stop; especially these three pairs! I've seen quite a few bloggers/ Youtubers do these and I have enjoyed reading/watching them so much! ( Hello October's is amazing!) So let's crack on! PRE-WARNING: sorry about the reflection of me in my dressing gown... I was just too comfy to take it off!
Thursday, 21 July 2016
Summer Makeup
As the weather has been so gorgeous over the past couple days I thought I would do the makeup look that I have been reaching for the most! Of course it includes a NYX Liquid Lipstick which I have been obsessing over ever since I got them and also, a few old favourites. Soooo, if you want to find our how I created this look then keep on scrolling!
Sunday, 17 July 2016
The Makeup Wishlist of DREAMS.
Helloooo Lovely People! Well, this week has been very eventful to say the least and because of this I haven't managed to take the photos to go along side the blog post I had originally planned. However, there was been some DREAMY makeup releases recently so I thought I would share with you all my current makeup wish list! P.S there are a few products that have been released a while now but, I haven't managed to get my hands on them!
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Fashion, Food and Exciting News
Food seems to be a recurring theme in the past couple of blog posts however, I can't refuse Sunday Roasts, Fish and Chips and Five Guys.... GOODBYE BIKINI BODY! So let's start of with the exciting news, I have a load more adventurous weekends planned including London (of course), seeing my bezzie in Ipswich and V Fest!! Which i am super super excited for! Moving on, this post is all about my lovely weekend in the Cotsworlds with Matt. (he's the boyfriend if you are new around here,and if you are HIYYA!)
Sunday, 3 July 2016
June Favourites
Hellloooo lovely people! Well, it's July already, where has the time flown by? I've had the most wonderful month going on holiday and going to my fave city of all time which is of course London; if you fancy having a look at what I got up to there are a couple of fashion and travel posts down below! But for now, let's have a chat about what I've been loving in June!
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Fun, Food and Musicals
I love London. Fact. One day I would love to live there but, for now a weekend away is one of my favourite things to do! This was an extra fabulous trip because it was one of my gals birthdays; so a big and belated Birthday to Katie Sanger! Now, on to what I did, and as you can tell there was a LOT of food, musicals and of course fun!
Saturday, 25 June 2016
Holiday Lookbook-Night Time
So I posted a lookbook about my day time outfits on holiday a couple of days ago, (scroll down and it shpuld be there!) and thought I would do a night time outfits one to go with it! Hope everyone is having a wonderful week and we will dive back into all things makeup and fashion! P.s I get progressively more sunburnt through the photos as my sunburn shows worse at night... just pre-warning you all for the bright red complexion!
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Holiday Lookbook - Day Time
Now I love a good lookbook so I thought I would rustle a couple up myself! There's this one for all my day time outfits and there will be another one in the next couple of days with all my evening outfits, including what makeup I used. The reason there are no makeup photos on this day time post is because I didn't wear any makeup! (Lazy I know but, it did my skin the world of good!) So let's go outfit CRAZY!
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Holiday Diary
Helllllooooo lovely people! So sorry I haven't posted in a while, as you can tell by the title it's because I've been on holiday!! I went with my boyfriend and I had the most wonderful time relaxing and having a couple of little adventures. This is just a small diary of what we did and then there will e outfit and makeup posts coming later on this week! (There are a lot photos in this post by the way! I hope you enjoy!!)
Thursday, 2 June 2016
Travel Essentials
Now because it's nearing the holiday season and I go on holiday in 3 day; (which I am SUUPPERRR excited about!) I thought I would pop down a couple of my 'Travel Essentials' which will last you in the airport, on the flight and on your actual holiday! Let the holiday excitement commence! (P.S HOW CUTE IS THIS MAKE-UP BAG?!?)
Sunday, 29 May 2016
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Kristen Stewart Cannes 2016 Makeup
If you haven't seen it all over social media is was Cannes Film Festival this past two weeks weekends! Of course, all the celebs were in amazing dresses and of course they also had stunning makeup. Everyone looked stunning. However, the one persons makeup who caught my eye the most was Kristen Stweart! She had a beautiful red lip paired with bronzey/ brown smokey eye! I loved it that much I re-created for myself!
Saturday, 21 May 2016
Spreading the Happiness
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Happiness is one of the most important things to a lot of people, if your not happy then change it yourself, don't go waiting for somebody else to change it or looking for happiness in the same place as you probably won't find it there! I thought I would show you all what makes me happy and if it makes one of you a little happier then that'll make me happier and then we will all be happier! (YAY FOR HAPPINESS!)
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Friday, 13 May 2016
Monday, 9 May 2016
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Monday, 25 April 2016
Cult Beauty Order
So I FINALLY got round to doing an order off Cult Beauty to treat myself after a week of assessments at uni. The website has such a great selection of brands from Becca to Pixi and I will definitely be ordering from there again! Also, it has super quick delivery which is free when you spend over a certain amount. After having a good search on the website I decided to purchase some Anastasia Beverly Hills (ABH) make-up as in the UK it is EXTREMELY hard to get hold of and I reeaaaalllyyy wanted to get some!
Monday, 18 April 2016
Most Worn
I would love to say I am one of those people who strut around in heels, floor length coats and culottes all day but unfortunately I am veryyy lazy and would prefer an extra ten minutes in bed rather than putting together an outfit! This Most Worn post is what I wear on a daily basis whether I'm going to uni, having lunch with friends or having a romantic walk with the boyfriend. Credit to him for taking a GAZZILION photos for me!
Monday, 11 April 2016
Mary Poppins
Recently I went to see the Mary Poppins tour and I absolutely loved it! It had ALL the old classic like "a spoonful of sugar" and "supercalafrachalisticexpalidoucus" (I mean, what a word to try and spell!). But, it also had some new songs like "step in time" and "being Mrs Banks". So, let's talk more about being a chimney sweep!
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Mad about M.A.C
For my first proper blog post I've been abit sentimental basing it on M.A.C as it was the first "high-end" brand that I ever bought from, so I thought it would be nice to start off the journey where the make-up obsession began! Personal opinion on the brand as a whole; amazing quality, not a price tag that I'm blinded by every time I buy something and, you can pretty much get hold of it any where! WHICH IS FAB! Enough rambling for now as we have ALOT to get through!
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
This is me...
Welcome to my little space on the internet!
So this is the first ever blog post I have written and I'm very excited to FINALLY start my own little blog! I've been toying with the idea for a couple years now as I love all things beauty and fashion-y (is that even word? Who knows!) plus I like to be creative so what better way to share it than putting it all on the internet!
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