Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Survival Guide: Dealing with Uni Stress

Good Eveninggg! So it was been a very, very busy week of university, full of rehearsals and lectures, so this is why I have been away for a little while longer than I would of liked! As my week has been a tad stressful I thought this post would be quite fitting. Hope you enjoy!!

Plan your Week

I mean, I wish I could take my own advice on this one as when I do plan it is so helpful! I find that when I sit down on a Sunday night and plan out my next week it just make me feel ready and prepared for the forthcoming week. Plus, when I have songs/ monologues to be learnt for certain days it is so helpful to have everything written down in front of me. A little bit of motivation for me to actually stick to planning is.... of course pretty stationery. HOW CUTE IS MY WEEKLY PLANNER, which was an a absolute bargain from Sainsbury's! (P.S Thankyou to my housemate for letting me borrow her other two cute note books!)

If it doesn't get done, it doesn't get done

Now I don't mean "Oops I haven't started this assignment on time so I'm not going to do it at all." No. I mean, if you were supposed to do a white wash on a certain day and you didn't get round to it, it doesn't matter. Sometimes, my "To Do Lists" are wayyyy too big and then at the end of the day I feel like I've been really unproductive because I haven't ticked everything off on the list.  Tbh, it's probably the most productive I have been during that week. In other words, just chill out a bit!

Making your Uni Room more Homely

I feel like when my room feels a little more homely it makes me so much more relaxed as I'm not as homesick as I felt in Halls. I mean I am not the best at decorating (Anyone who has lived with me knows this.)  however, with some cute little hearts and cards from my parents it feels much more homely and therefore more relaxing. So then when you come in from a stressful day at uni you can just sit and chill in your own little sanctuary!

Tidy Room, Tidy Mind

This is my little uni room. Yes, it's tiny. Yes, it is a tad messy. (TRUST me it has been a hell of a lot worse) But, I feel like when my room is actually tidy I can get on doing other bits and bobs that need doing. When it's not tidy, it's just another thing on the dreaded "To Do List"! P.S the wine bottle on the my windowsill is actually an empty wine bottle it had fairy lights in it and is super pretty!

You can do whatever you like

In other words if you want to do something, do it. Don't listen to what anyone says or compare yourself to others as it will just get down you and at the end of the day, if doing whatever you want to do and it makes you happy then there is absolutely no problem!

And we are done! I'm slightly struggling juggling Uni, Blogging and general life at the moment. So if I'm a bit quite on social media (My twitter name is lovefromamber) bare with me, I should hopefully have my life back on track in a couple of weeks! Anyway, have a lovely rest of the week and I will fingers crossed pop another post on at the weekend!!


1 comment

  1. You are the coolest... Can't believe your room still looks like that! <3


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